Prayers for Celebrating Christmas in the Home

Christmas, Prayer

Here are some prayers that you might choose to include in your Christmas celebrations this year. Choose those which are the most meaningful to your time and situation. You can find a pdf booklet of these prayers here:

Christmas Dinner Prayers

Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, and let these gifts to us be blessed. Give us this day our daily bread; let all the world be clothed and fed.  Amen.

Be present at our table, Lord. Be here and everywhere adored. Thy mercies bless and grant that we may strengthened for thy service be.  Amen.

In the peace of this season our spirits are joyful:  With the beasts and angels,  the shepherds and stars,  with Mary and Joseph we sing God’s praise.  By your coming may the hungry be filled with good things, and may our table and home be blessed.  Bless us O Lord, and these Thy gifts,  which we are about to receive from Thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen.  

God of all gifts, we thank you for the many ways you have blessed us this day. We are grateful each of those who are gathered around this table. We ask you to bless us and our food and to bless those we love who are not with us today. In our gratitude and love, we remember your humble birth into our lives and pray for those who are without enough to eat. We remember the stable in which you were born and pray for those who have no place to live. We remember your challenging message of caring and giving and we pray for peace in families and nations throughout the world. We bless you and give you thanks in your Spirit who brings our hearts to life in the miracle of Christmas, now and forever. Amen.

A Prayer Before Opening Presents

Lord and Giver of all good things, the magi travelled for miles to bring the Christ child the first Christmas presents. So may we, too, remember with thankful hearts the love that comes with each present we open. We also thank you for the love you have for each of us, and we thank you for the many gifts that you give us, especially the gift of live itself. Amen

A Christmas Tree Blessing

Holy Creator of Trees, bless with your abundant grace this our Christmas tree as a symbol of joy. May its evergreen branches be a sign of your never-fading promises. May its colorful lights and ornaments call us to decorate with love our home and our world. May the gifts that surround this tree be symbols of the gifts we have received from the Tree of Christ’s Cross. Holy Christmas tree within our home, may Joy and Peace come and nest in your branches and in our hearts. Amen.

A Nativity Set Blessing

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, ruler of the universe. With Mary and Joseph, with the angels and shepherds, and with the animals in the stable we gather around your Son, born for us. Bless us, and fill us with joy and wonder as we look upon this nativity set. May Jesus be born in our lives, that we might share his love with all the world, for he is our light and our salvation. Blessed be God forever.  Amen.

A prayer for those who work on Christmas

Lord, as I spend today going about my work, help me to put aside any bitterness that I’m not celebrating at home with loved ones. I ask you God, to give me a special sense of your presence as I meet people, that I may shed on them the light of the Bethlehem Star, the Spirit of Christmas. Amen.  

A prayer to remember those who work on Christmas

Dear Lord, as we celebrate the birth of your Son this day, we keep in mind those who are called to work.  We thank you for their diligent service as they help people in hospitals and nursing homes, police and fire stations, airports and restaurants, and all the places they are needed.  Give them a sense of your presence and an attitude of joy as they celebrate, even in the midst of their work.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

A Christmas Prayer for those who have suffered the recent death of a loved one

God of compassion, there is such a hole in my heart! Today should be a day of joy, but I feel only emptiness and loss. While the world celebrates around me, I remember Christmas celebrations of the past and I long to have my loved one with me. I bring my sorrows to you, Lord, like some odd gift of the magi and dump them at your feet. In my blind tears I wonder if anyone can possibly understand the depth of my sadness.

I know you can. You sent your son to be with us in our deepest sorrows and I know that even though I might not feel it now, you are here with me, grieving with me, caring for me in my sadness. Dearest lord, help me to turn to the one I miss so much today and speak. Help me heal the loss of our parting and help me not to regret the things I didn’t say. Sorrow tears at my heart, but today I ask that my loss soften my heart and make me more compassionate with everyone I meet, so that my loss may become a gift to others.  In your name I pray, Amen.