Praying Around the Lord’s Prayer

Lent, Prayer

For our prayer practice this Lent, I am excited to introduce an idea that I learned about from  It involves moving your finger around a cross as you pray the Lord’s Prayer.  You can read about the entire activity here:

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The version of the Lord’s Prayer that we pray is a bit different than the one in the article above, so I modified the file to reflect this.  I also added a bolder outline because of the way that I put it together.  I did not have the time to cut out two different crosses in two different colors for this project.  Instead, I cut a 8.5” x 11” piece of purple (for Lent) cardstock in half for the background.  Then, I cut out a 3 5/8” x 5” piece of coordinating scrapbook paper and pasted it to the center of the purple.  I printed the crosses out of white cardstock and cut out both the outline and the interior cross.  I pasted it to the background, and it was finished.  Here is the file:  Pray Around the Lord’s Prayer

I gave these as prayer practice gifts to our confirmation students to use during Lent, and I will be making a few more available to my parish.  They are easy to make at home, and I hope that they enhance your prayer life during the Lenten season.

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p.s. I found that making them was a prayer practice for me, as well.  As I cut out the crosses, I listened to the daily news on the radio, and prayed for places that the cross seemed to be present right now.  It was powerful.

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