Holy Week 2017 Seated Prayer Sequence

Lent, Prayer

Here is a way to use all of the seated prayer practices that we have learned during Lent in one long sequence.  It is adapted from the Prayers of the People that we prayed in church during this Lenten Season.  May your Holy Week be truly blessed.


Lifting my voice and turning toward God, I pray for the church, the earth, and all who are in need.  (long pause for personal prayer preparation)



I bring my prayers of confession to you, O Lord.
(pause for personal prayer)
Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me.  Hear me, O God.  Your mercy is great.



I bring my prayers for others before you, O Lord.
(pause for personal prayer)
I pray especially for those I name before you now.
Hear me, O God.  Your mercy is great.


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I bring my prayers for myself to you, O Lord.
(pause for personal prayer)
Be present with me in the best of times, in the worst of times, and in every time in between.
Hear me, O God.  Your mercy is great.


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I bring my prayers of thanks to you, O Lord.
(pause for personal prayer)
Help me to recognize the many blessings that you bring to me, day by day.
Hear me, O God.  Your mercy is great.



I ask you to open my ears as I take the time to listen to you, O Lord.
(long pause for personal prayer)
Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.
Hear me, O God.  Your mercy is great.



I bring my praise to you, O Lord.
(pause for personal prayer)
You are love.  You are hope.  You are forgiveness.  You are peace.
Hear me, O God.  Your mercy is great.


Into Your hands, merciful God, I commend all for whom I pray, trusting in Your steadfast love; through Jesus Christ my Lord.  Amen.

Here are the links to learning each prayer posture:
Confess:  https://goodgodideas.wordpress.com/2017/02/27/lent-2017-prayer-posture-week-1-confess/
Others:  https://goodgodideas.wordpress.com/2017/03/06/lent-2017-prayer-posture-week-2-others/
Self:  https://goodgodideas.wordpress.com/2017/03/13/lent-2017-prayer-posture-week-3-self/
Thanks:  https://goodgodideas.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/lent-2017-prayer-posture-week-4-thanks/
Listen:  https://goodgodideas.wordpress.com/2017/03/27/lent-2017-prayer-posture-week-5-listen/
Praise:  https://goodgodideas.wordpress.com/2017/04/03/lent-2017-prayer-posture-week-6-praise/

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